Program Sponser

The UO DuckREFS Program was originally developed in 2019 as ChemREFS and launched in 2020 by the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee. The idea for ChemREFS was introduced to the committee by Assistant Professor Carl Brozek based on his experience at MIT, and the funding and development of the UO ChemREFS project was spearheaded by Professor Marina Guenza.

REFS training and support is provided by the UO Conflict and Dispute Resolution (CRES) Master’s Degree program, specifically Professor John Inglish, and guidance is also received from the UO Ombuds Program. The program was adapted in 2021 to include resources from other graduate school departments, andĀ  including staff member REFS in addition to graduate students.

Special thanks to MIT ChemREFS for sharing their program model and expertise. Thanks to the 2019-2021 Chemistry and Biochemistry DEI Commitee Members (Marina Guenza, Carl Brozek, Randy Sullivan, Andrew Carpenter, and Leah O’Brien) for starting this program at the UO.

Professor Marina Guenza

DuckREFS Organizer and AdvisorĀ 

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry


photo: Marina Guenza